Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We went to a through bred horse farm yesterday.  We rode horses, held cats, pet dogs and ate food.  Here are the pictures.

This is Shelby on Starbuck.

This is me on Starbuck.
I learned how to drive a horse.

This is a baby horse. It is 2 weeks old.
It is so soft.

This is me holding a barn kitten.

We got gas at a gulf gas station.
We also saw a real drive-in theater.
For dinner we had lasana, salad and bread.
There was chess pie for dessert.
We played flashlight tag at dark.
It was fun aside from the 2 hour drive.
I slept and sweated on the way back.
It was fun,


  1. looks like fun! the foal is so cute.

  2. Awesome! I love the photo of you in the Pink saddle pad!


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