Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines day. (Censored version)

My sister did a post labeled Valentines.  Got to to view it. 

This is another version.  The dangerous kind!

Why do we celebrate Valentines day?  Because of this guy called St. Valentines.  Not much is known about him except that he DIED on Valentines day.  That is about it.  One version says that he died a martyr. A martyr is someone who died for his belief in God. 

And people love chocolate that come In heart shaped boxes.  Good thing the hearts look like this.

And not this.
So there you have it.
Happy Valentines day.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Frost's bite

It has been extremely cold lately. We have about six inches of snow at my house.  Plus the negative degree weather.  Means crazy cold!  There was a wreck in the woods next to our house a few days ago.  The driver was a 17 year old girl and she was driving her two younger brothers.  She went off the road into the woods up at the peach grove.  There were 3 hospital helicopters.  She only broke her legs and her brothers were unharmed.  Thank goodness!  So she'll be OK.

Here are some pictures of the snow.
The big barn and garden.

The cow barn.

Our house.

Catching fire!

Today, my sister and I are going to see Catching fire with our Grandpa!  We are totally pumped!  He will be here at 11:00 A.M. but it is 10:30 A.M.  Oh boy!  Catching fire is the second movie in the hunger games series.  Now it is 10:31!  Oh boy oh boy!

We got some snow but thankfully it is melting.  I am done with snow.  And school.  I WANT SUMMER!!!  Oh well.  Good things come to those who wait.



My mom sprained her ankle in June 2013.  It is the end of January 2014.  Right now she is trying to apply for a disability parking permit.  She is in a walking cast and it hurts.  Mainly she has been sitting on a couch playing candy crush saga.  That is the new I pad game.  My mom says I should be a foot doctor.  NO!  Not a chance.  I already don't like feet.  So no.

We decorated Mom's cast for her.

Shelby got an I touch.  She is very excited.  We got to go see, The Hunger Games Catching Fire, with our grandfather.  I am sooooooo happy!  It was awesome!


Shelby names

My sister Shelby has many nicknames.    I gave her several of them.  Here are some:

Shelby Lu


El beesha


Bees ya

El beeshador


And our music teacher always calls her
 We've been taking lessons from him for 3 years and Shelby is still "Ashley"


Just stuff about now.

Friday we are going ice skating.  My bottom isn't going to like me.  I have never gone ice skating before.  But I will be bad at it.  Mom says she should videotape us.  We are going with some friends to get a group discount.

I am working on a 3D puzzle I got for Christmas.  It's kind of hard to work on when your cat is trying to eat it and sit on the instructions.  Very annoying.

The chickens are laying eggs. One of them.  Gandalf, Tac, and Pollux all got frostbite on their combs.  They are the roosters and roosters are more prone to frostbite than hens.  Everybody keeps making fun of them, but I don't think it's funny.  Poor chickens.  At least they can't feel their combs.



Christmas went by to fast.  Way to fast.  It was like,deck the halls then, un-deck the halls.  All in the same day.  Oh well.  NEXT!!!

New years.  What's the big deal? You watch a ball drop and drink sodas.  I like sodas.  I also like diet but mom won't let me drink those. Usually.  Anyways.

We had a very long Christmas break.  Starting math again was brutal.  Algebra is hard.  End of story.


More stuff

I was wrong.  I just now finished my Christmas shopping.  Finally.  Now I can relax a little.  A little.  Today is the New song Christmas party for the people who go there.  My sister and I are going with mom.  Mom is helping with a class.  So that is why we get to go.  Big fun.  However at the pawn shop it is just a normal day here.  Yup.  Just a normal school day.  Hang on, nope. 
