In school we are learning about creation to the greeks. We studied a lot on Egypt. We are studying the Trojan war right now. We are getting close to finishing it I think. Not to much is happening right now.
My mom just got a family subscription to the YMCA. I think I am going to take a karate class at the Y comunity center in la Grange. I have been wanting to do something like that. I think it will be awesome.
We also might have a cousin spend the night here for a couple days starting Saturday. Shelby and Andie are exited about this. It should be fun.
Not to much going on but enough to keep me going. Having a membership to the YMCA will be fun.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
3 Roosters on Death Row
While I was in Florida my dad called and gave us the news that Pigeon, my favorite chicken had died. Pigeon was the leader of the flock and the protector of the hens. Whenever a rooster was being mean to a hen Pigeon would run over and cut them off. Now, Pigeon is dead and there is no one to protect the hens. Polly was getting attacked by the roosters and only has 2 feathers in her bottom right now. That is why we killed 3 roosters.
It all happened yesterday. Andie and I stayed in the house and watched TV. Dad, Mom, Shelby, and Cole killed 3 roosters. In the the morning my dad and I let out the hens & left the 3 unlucky rooster's in the coop.
After church the chicken slaughter started. When my mom went to get chicken number one Morris escaped from the coop. He took off like a rocket. Dad went and got his gun. You can guess what happens next.
My Dad tried a new chicken killing technique. Instead of hanging the bird from his feet and cutting the head off (which got blood all over the barn) - Dad decided to cut off the head in the yard. Dad put his foot on the chicken to hold it still and cut his head off. He only did it once. Why?
In this picture my and Dad and Cole were trying to get the skin off the first chicken. They squished it and it said, "BOOARQ". It was headless & dead, but when you squeeze them they still make noise. Cole said, "Dad, I think he said he doesn't want to be dead."
My little brother Cole now has 4 chicken feet. Mom says chicken feet can be used to make soups. Our chickens feet are caked in poop and gross - I don't think the soup would be very good. My mom took the pictures of the chicken slaughter.
While I was in Florida my dad called and gave us the news that Pigeon, my favorite chicken had died. Pigeon was the leader of the flock and the protector of the hens. Whenever a rooster was being mean to a hen Pigeon would run over and cut them off. Now, Pigeon is dead and there is no one to protect the hens. Polly was getting attacked by the roosters and only has 2 feathers in her bottom right now. That is why we killed 3 roosters.
It all happened yesterday. Andie and I stayed in the house and watched TV. Dad, Mom, Shelby, and Cole killed 3 roosters. In the the morning my dad and I let out the hens & left the 3 unlucky rooster's in the coop.
After church the chicken slaughter started. When my mom went to get chicken number one Morris escaped from the coop. He took off like a rocket. Dad went and got his gun. You can guess what happens next.
My Dad tried a new chicken killing technique. Instead of hanging the bird from his feet and cutting the head off (which got blood all over the barn) - Dad decided to cut off the head in the yard. Dad put his foot on the chicken to hold it still and cut his head off. He only did it once. Why?
Because it did back flips down the hill and into the woods. Without a head.
Chicken still doing back flips - headless.
Here is a chicken murderer in training.
In this picture my and Dad and Cole were trying to get the skin off the first chicken. They squished it and it said, "BOOARQ". It was headless & dead, but when you squeeze them they still make noise. Cole said, "Dad, I think he said he doesn't want to be dead."
My little brother Cole now has 4 chicken feet. Mom says chicken feet can be used to make soups. Our chickens feet are caked in poop and gross - I don't think the soup would be very good. My mom took the pictures of the chicken slaughter.
Buddy system
The buddy system is when you divide your kids into pairs. When we go somewhere we usually use the buddy system. I am with Andie and Shelby is with Cole. You are not allowed to leave your buddy. When we were in the airports traveling to Florida we held onto our buddy's hands. You aren't allowed to let go of your buddy - even if they try to eat you. Must Hold Hands.
That is how the buddy system works. We use it in airports to be safe.
You should try it.
(Shelby was the one having trouble with her buddy- he's part tiger)
That is how the buddy system works. We use it in airports to be safe.
You should try it.
(Shelby was the one having trouble with her buddy- he's part tiger)
Boat ride
My Great Uncle Jon took me and Cole for a boat ride. It was fun. We went fast even though Cole was completely against it. Our totally awesome boat ride lasted about an hour. Here's some pictures of us at the dock before we left. Uncle Jon is in the blue shirt.
I had to wear a purple life jacket
Cole had to wear a pink one. We told him it was orange so he would put it on.
I even got to drive the boat. I drove it around the canal. Uncle Jon took over the driving and docked the boat. Good thing too.
I even got to drive the boat. I drove it around the canal. Uncle Jon took over the driving and docked the boat. Good thing too.
It was fun
There was a picture of my dad as a kid at his parents' house in Florida. My Mom took a picture of it and compared it to my little brother. Here are the results.
This is my evil, possessed, little brother.
(Just kidding - he just looks evil because of the horrible red-eye)
This is my Dad.
Let's see If you can guess which is which.
Who is this?
Times up!
Now who is this?
Times up again!
How many did you get right?
Now try to beat that score.
Happy to be back,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Home again
It sure is nice to be home. There are tons of pictures that I am going to put up in this post. There are also going to be stories related to the pictures.
These are the pictures of the Orlando zoo.

These are the pictures of the Orlando zoo.
These are some ducks we saw.
They were in a cage with a toucan a sloth and some other type of bird that I can`t remember.
This is what I think is a leopard
It is very cute.
Around the back it is kind of whitish gray
This is an alligator.
I just couldn`t get the picture straight.
This turtle is massive.
I would say he is about the size of a child sized swimming pool.
This is a cheetah.
The animals make paths of worn down dirt where they are constantly pacing around.
This is a porcupine.
Do you think this is cute?
Last year when we went to this zoo we rode the train.
When we were coming back to the station the bars went down where the train crossed the walk way. The bars keep the people from walking in front of the moving train.
While the bars were coming down an old couple tried to make it through.
Bad idea.
One of the bars came down and hit the old lady in the head.
Call it cruel but I think it is funny.
These are the legoland pictures.
This is lego darth vader.
I couldn't get thepicture straight.
But it's still pretty neat.
This is me and my siblings with Artoo-deetoo.
This is the white house made out of legos.
In miniland U.S.A. they had these little buttons that you could push to make things move or play music or squirt water or something else.
The people in front of the white house would march and play music.
They also had cars that moved, boats that moved, people that moved - lots of moving.
I kind of know what makes them move.
More miniland.
I think that that is Miami beach.
That is New York city.
Lots of big buildings all made of legos.
This is the entrance welcome sign. I am behind the "w." Shelby is behind the "L." Andie is in the "O." Cole is on the "E." Because his name is Cole -E-O. We call him that anyway.
Which makes me think of something. While we were in Orlando my little cousin Keats was there. Keats is 2. Cole called him "Keatsey" and Keats called cole "Cole-E-O".
Back to the Lego land sign. Once again made of legos.
This is the Naples zoo in...Naples.
We went on a camel ride for our study of Egypt.
My little brother was sitting on me for the whole time.
This is a leapord.
While we were at the zoo we learned that there are no black panthers.
If I remember correctly it is a leapord.
So Baghera the panther from The Jungle Book is not real.
Pretty wierd isn't it.
All this time I thought there were black panthers.
These are honey badgers...
and they don't care.
My mom thinks they are adorable.
They walk with a prance and a hop.
This is a giraffes' head.
Look at that tongue.
How long do you think it is.
Welcome to Sea world.
This is the ride Journey to Atlantis.
Me and my sister Shelby rode it.
Let me tell you about shelby she won't even ride the baby rides.
I was nearly impossible to get her on it.
She was terrified and in tears.
We finally got her on it.
When it was was over I got slapped twice.
It was freaky.
This is Clde and Seamore take pirate island.
It even had a walrus.
This is the shamu show One Ocean. There were some really wet people at that show. We sat in the back & didn't get wet.
Glad to be home,
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